Get a fresh focus!

I’m taking the time to get a fresh focus after an adventurous year. This year I lived on outside my comfort zone and I am spending the final weeks of the year reflecting and shifting my prioritizes for 2019.

At the beginning of the year, I read “Ten Ways To Step Outside Your Comfort Zone — And Why it’s Important” by Liz Ryan via Forbes. Reflecting on the year here’s how I’ve embraced the ten ways.

  1. Weekly I publish a new playlist, and throughout the week I listen to it when I need to reset.
  2. I changed my hair color.
  3. I ate new Greek dishes this summer.
  4. My library’s staff picks are on point, my favorite was “Dear Martin” by Nic Stone. My library system (Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh) has a “Get a Book Recommendation” form.
  5. Ah, this! Fear is a hater.
  6. I explore new walking paths.
  7. I’m down lbs, it’s time for a new wardrobe.
  8. I have a new respect for my need for solitude to be productive.
  9. I checked in with a few friends but missed significant others. I need to do better!
  10.  I am prioritizing who, how, and where I spend my time. 

To get a fresh focus I walk and leave it on the pavement. 

Listen to the ten tracks that kept me moving this year.