Wake. Walk. Work. | 47

It has been a year of discovery. The mornings I embrace my wake, walk, then work routine, my days are better. I’m productive which makes me happy.

I’m grateful each morning I wake up and don’t want to waste my time and talent. I’m a limited resource. This year, I’ve been forced to prioritizes whom I spent my with and how I use it.  I’ve learned what grounds me, nourishes me and is toxic to my system.

My morning mile is now a must. This year I committed to prioritizing my health, and I found morning walks the best way to start my day. I walk more than a mile nowadays, but it’s a great way to let go shit go and focus on architecting solutions. In a desire to hear good music on my walks, I’ve revisited my creative outlet of making a playlist which fuels my dream career as “a world-famous DJ.” Moreover, it sparked my vision for my voice, and now  I publish a new playlist on Spotify weekly. Follow me or listen when you visit this website.

I come in from my walk ready to work. I review my calendar and to-do list for the day with my a cup of coffee.  Then I am off to make the most of the time. I’m goal-oriented, having my objectives for the today outlined, helps me can stay focused on the BIG picture and set boundaries.