The End of Unlimited Access

My true solitary personality resurfaced this year and it’s healthy. As much as I love technology and the multitude of ways it allows us to connect to each other; I need solitude to focus and be productivity.  As I prepare for 2019, I’m implementing these digital practices to improve my ability to focus.   

Meaningful Messages

To comprehend and send more meaningful electronic messages. I’m re-establishing a setting scheduled time during the day to send/receive email.  I’ll also be streamlining my email accounts to a single inbox.

Meeting Agenda 

I MUST take control of my calendar.  For starter, I’m purchasing a Moleskin Diary/Planner that syncs with Google Calendar and embracing Calendly to allow people to schedule meetings with me.  In the future, all meetings I attend require an agenda and a confirmation 24 hours prior. My time is LIMITED, and meetings for the sake meeting is not efficient,  especially since I use mass transit to commute.  

Focus Features

If you can’t disconnect from your phone for an hour, use the built-in features to help you focus.  You’ve got options, offline mode, airplane mode, Do Not Disturb and of course Power Off.   

Focus Playlist

Press play on a Focus playlist, it honestly helps.  Personally, my favorites on Spotify are Lo-Fi Beats, Brain Food and Focus Flow

Remember to stay connect with yourself.

Mass communication, radio, and especially television [and the Internet], have attempted, not without success, to annihilate every possibility of solitude and reflection.

Eugenio Montale, 1986 BrainyQuotes